Thursday, January 7, 2010

Direct Sales - Your Online Photos

Something happened today that led me to want to write this article. I’m a huge Facebook fan. It’s an awesome tool for any network marketing business.

Whenever I get a friend request, I go to the page to see what information is there. I’m very picky about who I’ll accept friend requests from. Among my friends are my kids and also my mother. I do not want “friends” who say things that I don’t want my kids or my mother to read.

So, I got a friend request today from a man. I went to his page. His front page photo is him flipping someone off with both hands. I quickly hit “ignore” to his request and moved on.

I want interactive relationships with those I’m “friends” with. That means I’ll speak to them both privately and publicly and I hope they’ll do the same. I do not want a photo on my page of someone flipping others off. I find it offensive and am certain others would also.

I have no idea why this person asked to be my “friend.” He did not send me a message. He did not put any reason down with his request, just the request.

When you are networking online, it is my suggestion that you choose photos that are a bit more conservative. None of my photos are professionally done but I tend to stick to photos of me, me and my kids and I even had one of me and the dogs.

I know that both customers and team members are part of my social network on Facebook and so if I ever have photos I don’t want public, I make sure not to tag myself and to keep them rather hidden. And I never use those photos as my profile photo.

The same is true for blogs. I’ve seen really offensive photos on blogs and shake my head in sadness when they post that business is slow or that they don’t have many customers. I’m a strong supporter of letting others know you and sharing who you are but I draw the line at what could be offensive photos.

As you choose photos to put on social medial profiles and your blog, think about who might be visiting these pages. If you’re in network marketing and you’ll be friend requesting strangers, consider this also. Choose photos that let others get to know you while keeping it on a professional level.

Audrey :)


Anonymous said...

I agree completely. You read so much about photos being stolen, I am selective about what I post anywhere. You have to realize that anything you say or show on the web goes worldwide.
I, too, am careful about who I am associated with online.

2Xtremeblogger said...

I totally agree with you. No matter what kind of social networking yoou do, you need to keep photo's articles and blog post above board.

I personally like using photo's that are more casual especially when networking or on my blogs.

This gives possible prospects more of a reason to be relaxed.

As far as rud and vulgar photo's, I agree with you totally.